Sunday, 10 April 2011

Yes, that is my baby crying on the plane. (Back in the USA)

Well I'm here, safe and sound. After our visitors left last week, we were in full pack mode. I also was fully consumed with filling out the visa form. Let me tell you that it was not a fun process at all and I'm still working on it. The worst part of all of it was they don't tell you what you need for supporting documents until you submit the application online and you can't set up your appointment for the biometrics until you also submit online. Both of these could have been a huge problem because I had to submit in America when all our documents were in the UK and who knows if I'd get a biometric appointment soon or even in Maine. All of this was a complete stress while we were packing.

Then came travel day. I'm going to everyone a word of advice, if you are flying with an infant on your lap that is over a year old and the flight is more then 4 hours, pay the extra money to get them their own seat. Not only was the day very long as we started traveling at 9:30 am GMT (4am here) and didn't finish until 12:30 pm GMT, but being with O on our laps for a 6.5 hour flight almost put me over the edge. She is on the constant move and gets bored very quickly. We had to wait about 45 minutes just to check into the Belfast airport and then run through security and do a quick grab of food before we boarded immediately. So O was already getting tired and bored while we waited in lines in her stroller. It was a completely full flight so no extra seat next to us. Luckily we had a nice guy about our age sit next to us that O kept flirting with the whole time. The plane did have the individual touchscreen TVs in the back of the seat in front of you, but that still wasn't enough to keep O entertained. Plus she got overtired so everything made her cry and she was very hyper. Finally about 3 hours in she fell asleep and we got an hours peace. After she woke it was just as bad. I would also like to mention that the flight crew on our flight to Newark was horrible and you could totally tell that they didn't like their job at all.

Once we landed in Newark we had to go through security and then collect our luggage just to give it back again. Then we had to check into airport security again to get back to our connecting flight. All this would have been ok, if we didn't have a bored, hungry, tired baby. They even make you take the infant shoes off. Again if you have to fly with an infant and you're flying on your own, I would practice folding up the stroller if you're taking, one handed holding the baby. Also pack lots of snacks or get food at the airport cause snacks are the easiest way to keep them quiet and happy for longer period of times.  Anyways, after the hour getting in and out of security we had another 2 hours to burn, so we bought expensive, crappy food and let O run up and down the powered walkways. Luckily the flight from Newark to Portland was just over an hour cause we were all at the end of our rope. She was the only baby so of course when she cried everyone I'm sure rolled their eyes. We did walk up and down the aisle about 5 times just so she could try and charm everyone. Everyone did think she was adorable so that made her crying not so bad.

Our friends, C & B picked us up and they are so happy to have us home with them and to see us. O has settle right back into life into their house. (We stayed at their house for 4 weeks before we left for N.I) They have two cats so she is constantly chasing them. I'm wondering when it's going to get old, but it probably won't. We've had a lovely morning. I was finally able to submit the visa so everyone please pray for a smooth process. Out of the two problems I mentioned at the beginning, I was able to make the appointment for biometrics early this week in Maine, so that's great. However, there are some random documents that I left in NI that R's parents will either have to copy or overnight them.

I am looking forward to seeing most of you very soon. I'll be at Brunswick church next weekend but have plans afterwards. We're going to try and get a cellphone number so you can contact us, but if you want the house number where we're staying, just let me know.

oíche mhaith

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