Yesterday was a long, but great day. Prep for the wedding started Friday with my friend C, treating me to an eyebrow wax and tint and fake lashes. Then Saturday morning I got up around 7:30 and started make up and at 9, cousin AB came down and curled my hair. It took over an hour to curl it all. Then we left for the ceremony at 11. The church was two hours away in Kingscourt, Ireland.
I should introduce who was getting married. One of my husband's cousin, A, was marrying an English man, N. They had met in university in England. They've been dating for at least 4 years. She is one of three girls of my mother-in-laws brother. To continue, the car ride down was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that as we got closer to the wedding the roads got really small and curvy. I got a little car sick to say the least. We got to the church just before the bride and took our seats. The ceremony was a Catholic one, so it was about an hour, but the priest was very friendly and nice. O did very good. She walked around in the corner with her little heels so she made clicking noises through most of the ceremony. Her cousin's A and R were also there so she had someone to play with. The bride was gorgeous as well as the bridal party and the church. After the ceremony everyone got to congratulate the newly married couple, then it was an hour to the Slieve Russell Hotel in Ballyconnell Ireland for the reception.
The hotel was lovely. We had wanted to stay there at night, but it was a little pricey so we all planned on coming home after the reception. We were greeted to a tea and cake snacks while the photos were taken. Then it was some family photos and dinner. The food was amazing. We had salad, soup, steak, and a wonderful dessert, followed by tea and coffee. Again O did really well snacking on some chips. We were at the same table as two of R's aunt and another lovely couple and the wee cousin's A and R.
After dinner they did the speeches, which took about an hour for all of them. Then we went outside to light flying lanterns into the sky. That was pretty funny, but some of them weren't taking off properly so we that tree and the hotel were going to be set on first. These things would be very illegal back in the States, but it's so wet here so they wouldn't start a forest fire when they landed. The joke was that in the papers today we were going to see a destruction of a small village just a few miles away. The lanterns were followed by a band and a DJ. That's when the party really started. The older relatives said their goodbyes and everyone got their drink and dance on. My daughter is a party animal. She was one of the first on the dance floor and didn't leave until she literally passed out in her jammies dancing. She was so cute, everyone was taking pictures of her and dancing with her.
She fell asleep in a pack n'play in the corner of the room and we finally took off around 2 in the morning. With the drive home we didn't in until almost 4. So needless today, it hasn't been a very productive day. I wish I could tell you more about it, but than it would be a very very long blog. Below are some pictures of the wedding. I took pictures of just some of the hats and fascinators for all of you. Tonight we've got Beoga's concert at Bryson's in Magherafelt which will be loads of fun, cause a lot of the cousins are coming too!
Princess O and her daddy headed into the church |
The bridal party signing the papers |
The front of the church |
O and her cousin A all dress up. |
Most, if not all of the guests. |
The two of us glammed up. |
I loved this hat! |
Aunt M's fascinator |
This lovely girl let me take a picture of her fascinator. |
Another Aunt M and her fascinator |
The bride and groom with all of her side of the family. Let's say my husband has alot of aunts, uncles and cousins. In fact we're missing 9 cousins. |
The wedding cake. I loved the marzipan. The African theme came from where they got engage. N had taken A down to Africa to propose to her. The table names were also names of animals from Africa. |
The flying lanterns |
Uncle A's lantern |
The three stooges. Uncle A, my husband R and Uncle L. Can you see the family resemblance? |
Us together. R giving his best blue steel. |
O booging away |
4 generations. The greats are in the middle and us with the in-laws. |
The babe passed out with all the music and people. She didn't wake up when we transferred her to the car until we got to a quiet area. |
oíche mhaith
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