September was a very busy month for us. It started with family weddings and parties, then it was O's 2nd birthday and at the end of the month my husband had another job interview. With all this going, I have been very bad about keeping my blog up to date.
I've told you all about the family stuff. O's birthday was on the 16th of September and we had a small party on Saturday. It included the Greats, the grandparents and our neighbours who have three older boys who love to play with O. I made a big cake and we had a nice quiet BBQ. It's crazy to think that my little baby has grown into a toddler. I love having her this age, but I kid you not, as soon as she turned two, she turned into a monster. When people talk about the terrible two's they ain't kidding. But more about that later. Here are some pictures of her party.
O's Birthday Cake. Another hand-made Victorian Sponge Cake. |
The birthday girl on her big day! |
Everyone from the party waiting for cake |
After O's party we went to R's cousin's birthday party in Kilrea and this is O showing off for the camera. |
On her actual birthday, Friday, We took a cake into the Mother and Toddler group and sang to her. She did really good blowing out the candles. |

Another big thing that has happened is the hubby got a job interview. As many of you know, he's been out of work for just over a year and has only had a 1 interview since than. He's been working with a recruiting agency who have been very good in sending out his information to different companies but the economy is just horrible. On Monday they called him and said there was a company that was looking for a media guy. The description to the job was very close to what he did in America with the same salary. They sent his CV and portfolio on Monday morning and that afternoon he had set up an interview for Thursday. He went to the interview and thinks it went well. We won't hear anything until next week hopefully. I can't tell you how much we need this job. Not only financially but mentally as well. We are at a crossroads in our life and both of us are ready to take the next step towards our new future. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, but keep them going, we'll let everyone know what the outcome is.
oíche mhaith
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