Thursday, 17 February 2011

The Battle of the Wills

It has been an uneventful week except for Ms. O and her temper. They say babies hit their terrible two's, well we've hit terrible one and a half. O has been testing her limits to the extreme. If she doesn't want to do something, she fusses and fights you off. If you still insist on her doing something she doesn't want, for example a nappie change, then it's cries and tears that can be heard all over the house. Today's incident was me trying to clip her finger nails. We were in her room hanging out and I decided that since she was in a good mood I would try to clip her nails. You would have sworn I had cut off all the tips of her fingers. Tears and snot all over place. I had to wrap both my arms and legs around her just to sort of finish.
The temper is also starting to flair. She has lashed out with hits if we scolded her for something. After she does it she gets another scolding and we get more tears. She then comes for kisses and hugs so at least she acts like she feels bad.
The best/worst part of this is the dirty looks we are now getting if we ask her to do something or tell her not to do something. The look is "how dare you tell me what to do, I am a princess." She's really coming into her personality, as if she didn't have enough before. All the faces she has been making lately are hilarious.

So other than that our week has been very low key. We did finally book our tickets back to Maine to sort our my visa. We're going to be in Maine for 5 weeks. I'm getting really excited to see everyone again. I am also looking forward to a visit from our best friends A & D at the end of March.

Tomorrow we go to playgroup again. I'm hoping we'll have some more stories to tell .

oíche mhaith

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