My daughter, O, said "daddy, daddy, daddy" for two months without saying "mommy" once when she was about 13 months. However today is a very different story. All she says is "mommy." You ask her to say daddy or ask her where Daddy is, she still says "mommy." I think the funniest part of all this is her little personality is no longer little. You can see a glint in her eye that she knows she's being cheeky. The other day we asked her to say daddy and she would immediately say "mommy!". This went on for about 2 minutes and at the end she would look at us,crinkle her nose and say "mommy" really loud as if to say," you can't make me do anything I don't want."
Here's the wee impy grin |
Her attitude is growing by leaps and bounds. She's already very definant. If you tell her "No" for anything that she shouldn't be doing, she'll get really mad and either throw what she's got in her hand on the ground, or worst case, she tries to hurt either me or my husband. The worst case has happened twice and I never thought I would have to give a 17 month a "time-out." This wee girl is to smart for her own good. If you've had similiar issues, please comment. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
The other side of this is we've gone back with seperation anxiety. It used to be that I could leave the room and she would just wave good-bye. Now if it even looks like I'm headed anywhere without her, it's all tears and crying. Many of you may say that it's because of the huge changes we've made in the last few months. This new development has only started happening in the last 3 days. I think we're on the verge of talking. According to the parenting magazines, this is a sign that something big is about to happen such as walking, talking, and the like. I've linked a wee article that summarizes what's going on with our life.
I'm hoping the talking does start soon, because R and I are getting really tired of "ehhh" for everything she needs or wants. Even with all this going on, she is the happiest baby. Here are some pics of O in the last few weeks.
This is after she fell on her face in the driveway. Her poor little nose. |
Looking alot like her Daddy when he was this age |
Monster toes! Thank you Granny P! |
O eating grapefruit. Lord knows why. I think that habit comes from both Grannies. |
Tomorrow we go to the Mother-Toddler group in Maghera. I'm sure I'll have plenty to talk about them.
oíche mhaith
Great pics! I've always thought she has looked like you, but now seeing Roy as well. I wasn't planning on doing time-outs with Camden until 15 months, but we actually started them at 13 months because he would just laugh when we told him no about touching the electrical outlets. They seem to be working fairly well still. I think at this age, as you mentioned, they already know a lot of things they should and shouldn't be doing.I say it's a positive thing. =) Love, Camille
ReplyDeleteDon't laugh or otherwise reward any behavior you don't want her to keep doing. No matter how cute she is when doing it--it won't be funny when she's eight...
ReplyDeleteBe consistent -- don't say "no" one time and let her get away with doing it another time. That will make the behavior harder to eradicate later!